Posted on 2/1/2021
If you find yourself needing to work at the same time you are also taking your family on the road, you’ll know that the premium of space afforded by an RV will become even dearer when you try to add an office to it. Fortunately, some products can help you conserve space and organize your work effectively. Look at some of these products if you’re considering an upgrade to working at the dinner table. Laptop - Apple or PC, if you’re going for long periods, a desktop computer makes little sense in an RV, as the CPU housing takes up space, it tends to draw more power and requires a monitor to view. Laptops make great sense. There are many great models to choose from, depending on if you want a touchscreen or a model that converts to a tablet. And some models even come with shock absorption for accidents and slips on your travels. For PC fans, we can recommend a Toughbook! USB mouse and mouse pad - If space is a premium, get rid of cords when and where you can. If ... read more