Over the years, we've identified common problems that our customers have with their vehicles. If any of these describe your vehicle, make a note of them and contact us for an RPA or Service Appointment.
- Bottoming Out: When the suspension travels to its lowest limit and makes contact with the suspension stops. Possible causes: Insufficient spring tension, worn shock absorbers, overloading.
- Bounce: Bouncing may occur in the front of the coach, the rear, or both. Possible causes: Worn or insufficient shock absorbers
- Bump Steer: Occurs when the coach hits a bump and the steering wheel suddenly jerks to one side or the other on its own. Usually caused by improper suspension geometry.
- Dog Tracking: When the rear wheels of the vehicle do not follow or line up with the front wheels. Typically caused by rear axle misalignment.
- Harsh Ride: The vehicle rides stiff. You can feel every crack rut, or bump in the road. Possible causes: Excessive tire pressure, excessive spring rate, improper shock absorbers.
- Listing: The vehicle is lower one side than the other. Possible causes: Improper weight distribution, worn or weak springs, spring hangers, body mounts or bushings.
- Porpoising: The coach will teeter-totter in a front-to-back movement after encountering a bump in the road--most common on short (20-30 foot) motorhomes. Can usually be resolved with better shocks and/or springs.
- Pull: Your vehicle consistently wants to pull to the right or left. Possible causes: Alignment, tires, weight distribution, improperly adjusted steering components.
- Returnability: After a turn is made, the steering wheel should come back to center. If it does not, it often requires constant correction to stay in your lane. Possible causes: Sticky steering gear, improper alignment.
- Ride Height: Determined by chassis type and is measured accordingly. Example: On a P32 chassis, it is measured from the top of the bump stop to the bottom of the striker plate.
- Road Wander: The coach wants to move left or right even if the driver is steering straight. Typically caused by excessive play in one or more steering components.
- Rut Tracking: The coach follows the grooves worn into the road or ridges that have been created where an asphalt surface meets a concrete road surface. Possible causes: Insufficient front end weight, type of tire used.
- Shimmy: Occurs when the coach hits a bump and the steering wheel “shimmies” or shakes back and forth. Possible causes: One or more loose steering components, excessive camber.
- Side Play: The excessive unilateral movement in any component in the steering or suspension systems.
- Steering Play: When the driver moves the steering wheel to the left or right, there is little or no immediate response. Typically caused by one or more loose or worn steering components.
- Sway: The coach leans, sways or rocks in a side-to-side motion. Typically caused by weak springs and/or lack of an anti-sway bar.
- Tail Wagging the Dog: Typically caused by excessive lateral motion of the rear axle.
- Wind Drift: The coach is being pushed off its centerline of travel due to cross winds or passing vehicles. Can usually be solved with a steering control product.