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Helpful Articles

Rut Tracking

Rut tracking is the tendency of the vehicle to follow ruts in the road, causing the motor home to shift and wander around as you drive over variations in the road surface. As with other steering/handling problems, some coaches are more susceptible to rut tracking than others—especially those that are too light in the front.

Steering Free Play

Steering free play is probably the number one complaint we hear about from coach owners at our shop. Steering free play is when the steering wheel can be moved back in forth in your hands, but the vehicle is not steering—in other words, there is excessive “play” in the steering wheel.

Tail Wagging the Dog

Steering problems can manifest themselves in many different ways—and in some instances, it isn’t the steering system that’s to blame. One of the most common problems we address at Henderson’s Line-Up is an issue we call “Tail Wagging the Dog”. It’s the sensation you get when the coach seems to have a mind of its own; you steer the wheel back and forth, and the rear half steers the coach.

Road Wander

Sightseeing while driving is something we all enjoy, but when your motorhome wanders, it can take the fun out of your journey. You know, you just look away for one second, and your motorhome is on its way out of the lane—it requires constant attention to keep it going in a straight line.

Steering Returnability

Ever since your first car, you probably became accustomed to turning a corner, then letting the steering wheel slip through your hands as it returned to center and the car continued in a straight path. This is what we call “steering returnability”, and if the steering and alignment in your coach is correct, this is how the steering should respond.

Bad Vibrations

Vibration can be maddening, especially when you don’t know where it’s coming from and what’s causing it. Typically, vibration is caused by either a tire/wheel issue, or a driveline component.

Porpoising: What it is, and How to Stop It

A guy called me up the other day and told me his Dolphin motorhome was porpoising. I told him it sounded like it was having an identity crisis (insert rim shot here).

Reducing Sway

If you own, or have even driven a motorhome, the chances are good you are familiar with sway. At Henderson’s Line Up, we define sway as a leaning or rocking motion that is caused by pulling into/out of a driveway, a sudden blast of wind, a passing truck, a sharp corner or driving over uneven road surfaces. Sway can also be experienced when parked by the side of the road when it’s windy, or even when someone steps on board.

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