Since 1999, Robert & Barbara Henderson have volunteered their time and resources to help Operation Christmas Child share God’s love in a tangible way with gift-filled shoeboxes for needy children around the world.
Their first year they worked with local churches and businesses to collect around 350 shoeboxes, filled with gifts of love, packed by families and sent off with prayers that each box would end up in the right hands.
Last year, they managed to get 1,800 shoeboxes collected despite the fact that there are more collection centers now, which means more choices for people to drop off their boxes.
This year the goal is 2,000 shoeboxes. Will you consider being involved? Just last week we received this email from a nine-year-old girl in Southern Oregon. She writes…
Hi Everyone!
I’m very happy with how this year has gone! Only one more month and I stop collecting! Can you believe it? I have 77 boxes! My goal is 85, so we will see what the Lord is going to do!
This month, I started writing my letters to put in the boxes! It’s a lot of letters so please be praying for me to get them all done! I also have started praying over each and every box!
Also this month my family and I went to the packing party at the Evangelical Free Church! And guess what! They donated all of their extra supplies to our church so we could use them for our packing party that we will be having in our children’s ministry on the 9th of November! How sweet!
I hope that you all have been doing well with packing your own boxes! If you have any questions you can always call me!
Well…the next time I see you, all of my packing will have been completed! Thank you so much for doing this with me! May the Lord bless you all!
It’s absolutely thrilling to see the lives that are being touched on this end where the gifts are lovingly crafted, packed and prayed over. We can only imagine what it’s like for the approximately 10,000,000 children of the world that are expected to receive a shoebox gift this year from Samaritan’s Purse.
For more information about this remarkable ministry that not only demonstrates God’s love to the weakest among us, but then also makes sure there is a clear and simple presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, please contact Operation Christmas Child or visit stop by our showroom. We’d love to visit with you!
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